Getting Started

Butr is a tiny (3kb~) JavaScript package that can:

  • Collect all headings and create a table of contents with links
  • Update the table of contents to indicate which link is currently in view
  • Smoothly animate scroll to any location or element - like butter ;)
  • Automatically animate scroll on any anchor with the data-butr attribute

The best example is this documentation itself, which uses butr for its sidebar.


Please create an issue on GitHub if you find any bugs or have a suggestion.

Browser Support

Butr works well on all modern browsers and IE 10+.

Downloading or Installing

Stand Alone

  • Go to the latest release and download butr.min.js
  • Include it somewhere before the closing </body> tag:

    <script src="path/to/butr.min.js"></script>`
  • Start using it!

Import or Require

  • Install with npm

    npm i --save butr
  • ES2015

    import butr from 'butr' // ES2015+ only
  • requireJS

    var butr = require('butr') // requireJS only


Butr has 5 methods that can all be called independently or all together. Some methods depend on having specific classes in your markup. Check each method for required classes.

Full Example

This snippet will create a table of contents with links, from the headings in your content with butr.autoSidebar(), create a marker to track which link in the table of contents is in view with butr.marker(), pin the table of contents to the top of the page after scrolling with butr.stickyNav(), and animate scroll of any anchor tags with the data-butr atrribute using butr.autoAnchors().

Keep in mind that order of operations is important between some methods. .autoAnchors() should always come last so that it can attach events to any dynamically generated elements. The sidebar (created with .autoSidebar() or any other means) should be created before attaching a marker with .marker().


olClass: 'list-reset nav-list',
liClass: 'nav-item',
aClass: 'nav-link'
duration: 400,
markerClass: 'nav-marker',
activeClass: 'nav-link-active'
distanceTop: '12px'


<div class="wrap-flex">
<aside class="sidebar">
<nav class="sidebar-nav js-butr-nav">
<main class="page-content js-butr-content">
<h2>Hello, World</h2>
Using butr.js!


Animate scrolling to a location or element.

Scroll to element{
target: '.scroll-to-me',

Scroll to location{
target: 500, // in px

All options{
* Scrollable element (parent of content)
* Default: body element
* Type: string
scrollingElement: '.scrollable-container',
* Target to scroll to - in px or querySelector string
* Default: 0
* Type: number or string
target: 500,
* Scrolling axis 'x' or 'y'
* Default: 'y'
* Type: string
direction: 'y',
* Write hash to the URL
* Default: true
* Type: boolean
keepHash: true,
* Modify the speed of the scrolling animation
* 2 === double speed, .5 === half speed
* Default: 1
* Type: number
speed: 1.2,
* Callback to execute on completion of animation
* Default: null
* Type: function
callback: function () {


Automatically smooth scroll to any anchor’s href with the data attribute data-butr.


* Passes all its parameters to the internal to() call
* Default: null
* Type: object
to: {


<a href="#autoAnchors" data-butr>
Usage for .autoAnchors()


Automatically create a table of contents with links based on the headings in the content.


* HTML Class added to all lists (ol) in the sidebar
* Default: '' (empty string)
* Type: string
olClass: 'list-reset nav-ordered-list',
* HTML Class added to all list items (li) in the sidebar
* Default: '' (empty string)
* Type: string
liClass: 'nav-list-item',
* Option to prepend links to nav, rather than append.
* Helpful if you want to have a Back to Top button at
* after all your links.
* Default: false
* Type: boolean
prepend: false


<div class="wrap">
<!-- element with js-butr-nav class -->
<aside class="sidebar">
<nav class="js-butr-nav">
<!-- links will be injected here -->
<!-- element with js-butr-content class -->
<main class="js-butr-content">
<!-- content here -->


Track which nav link’s section is currently in view. Optionally style a marker to further indicate which section is in view. The marker on this page is a good example of what is possible. Use CSS to do basically anything with it.


* Scrollable element (parent of content)
* Default: body element
* Type: string
scrollingElement: '.scrollable-container',
* Duration of scroll animation in ms
* Default: 400
* Type: number
duration: 800,
* Callback to execute on completion of scrolling to
* link clicked
* Default: null
* Type: function
callback: function () {
* HTML Class added to js-butr-marker (div) in the
* sidebar
* Default: '' (empty string)
* Type: string
markerClass: 'marker',
* HTML Class added to active anchor (a) in the
* sidebar
* Default: '' (empty string)
* Type: string
activeClass: 'active-nav-item'


If you are manually creating nav links, make sure to add the js-butr-link class so they are picked up by .marker(). If you are using .autoSidebar() they’re picked up automatically.

<div class="wrap">
<!-- element with js-butr-nav class -->
<aside class="sidebar">
<nav class="js-butr-nav">
<!-- links added (manually) or injected here -->
<a href="#Getting-Started" class="js-butr-link">
Getting Started
<!-- element with js-butr-content class -->
<main class="js-butr-content">
<!-- content here -->

Pin the sidebar nav to the top of the page once the top of it hits the top of the browser when scrolling.


* Supply a distance from the top of the page to add
* some breathing room for the sidebar - otherwise the
* text might not look great touching the edge.
* Default: 0
* Type: string or number ('12px' or 12) always
* interpreted as pixels
distanceTop: '12px',
* MediaQuery - when true, makes the nav sticky
* Default: false
* Type: string
mediaQuery: '(min-width: 767px)'


<!-- element with js-butr-nav class -->
<nav class="js-butr-nav">
<!-- links here -->